So I made a change. I moved away from the Monday-Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm life I'd created and released my need to be on chronological time... I moved into the realm of spiritual time. To better understand what is meant by spiritual time I'd like to quote one of my favorite spiritual guides and a good friend, Jennifer Hoffman, with an excerpt from her recent newsletter:
"In your material concept of time each day contains 24 hours and you have limited time to do things. You fill your day with activities and things that you must do and often feel that you do not have time to do the things you want to do. There is no time to pursue your interests and dreams because of the obligations and distractions that fill your day. As you move towards greater spiritual understanding you will also move from material time to spiritual time. In spiritual time there are no limits on your time, no waiting or need for patience.
...Many of you are learning lessons in patience and you translate this as having to wait for the right time for things to happen. Yet it is not about time, but about the manifestation process occurring in spiritual time. When you are impatient you are experiencing fear and doubt and the passage of time makes you uncomfortable because you feel that nothing is happening. Everything is happening and you can be aware of this when you remove your focus on material time from the process.
...You are obsessed with the timing of events because you feel you are not in the right time or place. Yet you are always creating your reality in the perfect way. In order to work with the Universal energy you must also work with spiritual time, which does not recognize hours, days or weeks. Its energy flows according to your focus, requests and direction. Without the limitations of time you would be aware of how effortlessly things manifest for you. Spend a portion of your day in spiritual time and you will see how quickly the Universe responds to your requests. Remove the limitations of impatience and doubt and feel the flow of the Universe rushing to meet your every need. Step into spiritual time and into the age of miracles to manifest the reality of your dreams, and they will always occur at the perfect time."
(Read more about Jennifer, her books, and subscribe to her newsletter at urielheals.com)
Living on spiritual time has allowed my creativity to run free! I have been in the creative zone for the past month manifesting my dream to sell my photography and share my inspiration from the world, and it's been amazing how fast it's taken off. I wasn't sure how it was going to all work out, but I have just allowed the process to unfold by tuning in to my intuition and listening to what moves my spirit. The results have been astounding! I've been selling my photography books, cards, and prints at local art shows, coffee houses, stores and restaurants. What inspired my spirit is now inspiring hundreds of others. This, indeed, I could not have done unless I'd taken "time" to allow this dream to manifest.
Even though moving away from a Monday-Friday full time job may not be a reasonable option for you, I challenge you to follow Jennifer's advice and spend some moments in spiritual time so you can allow your spirit to inspire you and manifest your requests. This is part of the creative process and plays an integral part of the purpose you are creating as you travel down your life path. Give yourself the opportunity to tap your creative potential by exploring your horizons and releasing your limitations.
May you, too, find your inspiration from the world.
The Ambassador