Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Life: For Give or For Get?

I've recently discovered a shift in my thinking, feeling and intuition: I'm finding myself more focused on what I am giving rather than what I am getting. Why's that, you ask? Because I've been in a pattern of creating new structures and belief systems for my life that actually work... as opposed to just accepting the way I've always lived my life--comfortably numb with routine. This has all been part of my new Business Plan for my Life.

So why have I found it so beneficial to focus on giving? Because receiving is easy. Now that's not to say that receiving is always pleasant--I may not enjoy receiving bills in my email box each month; I may not like receiving sad news of a friend's illness; but receiving is something we do by default. It's part of responding to daily events.

Giving, on the other hand, requires effort. I may be giving naturally, like when a friend asks for advice or needs a ride to the airport, but I can also choose to consciously give in specific ways without an expectation of reciprocity. When you understand the "golden rule" (that when you give to others you give to yourself), then you'll quickly realize the act of giving creates energy for "like" things to be returned to you. When you give of yourself--your time, talents, gratitude and appreciation--you will receive that from others. Maybe not in the same "time" that you think, but remember that "like attracts like". When you give you will, indeed, receive. Just wait... it works!

This week I encourage you to look at where you are giving in your life--to what, whom, and when? Then think about why? Are you giving in response to a favor or request, or are you just giving without an immediate reason?

You may find that living life for-giving brings you better balance than a life of for-getting.

Happy week!

The Ambassador