The first occurred in 1996 when a good friend and I stood in front of a hand-drawn picture on his wall depicting three rings: yellow, red, and blue, each intersecting one another like the rings of the Olympic symbol. I asked him what this picture meant and he replied, “Balance of mind, body, spirit. Three domains of energy each on its own, yet united in equal portions create balance.” I understood what he meant right away for he had articulated something I’d also observed—there’s a sense of balance in life, and this balance is found through a harmonious blending of the mind, body, and spirit.
The second conversation was with myself, thanks to Shirley MacLaine in the The Evening Star (the follow-up film to Terms of Endearment), when her character, Aurora, states, “I have come to the conclusion there’s no such thing as a mistake; I think we all create what we need.” When I heard those words I had another light bulb moment. Until then, my focus was on the external factors bringing me insight into the meaning of my past and present, but Aurora's words triggered my focus to move inward. I suddenly realized the process of creation actually begins inside of me. My outer experience is merely a reflection of what’s happening on the inside! This inner perspective resonated with me for several days. I wondered, could I really have a hand in creating my experiences, including my mistakes? Could I truly be the creator of both my “good” and “bad” experiences?
Eventually I came to the conclusion that I was, indeed, creating my own experience by managing my response to what was happening around me. Even though my reactions were natural and rather spontaneous (part of the human animal), I could choose my responses. I had a hand in creating every thought I’d been thinking, choice I’d been making, consequence I was experiencing—every joy and every pain! But the deepest truth was that all of it was necessary. Each mistake was an opportunity in disguise—a lesson to learn more about who I really was.
I began to focus my energy on paying more attention to the idea that my mind, body and spirit each played an integral part in determining my thoughts, feelings and intuition. As my awareness of how they were all connected increased, so did creating new experiences become my new reality. It was a moment of truth when I realized that I was truly the artist of my own life – I finally felt alive, awake and empowered. Through a three step process of 1) Awareness, 2) Alignment, and 3) Activation, I've been able to use this perspective of mind, body and spirit to help assist me with every decision I make. I can now listen to all three: thoughts, feelings and intuition! And, in return, my decisions (and outcomes) are in alignment with my current state of being. This is good!
My questions to you: How do you engage your mind, body and spirit in your life? How much balance do you feel? How can a change in your awareness lead you to a more balanced perspective? Why am I asking you so many questions? Because when you ask questions, you get answers... sometimes when you least expect them!
Just remember: Ask and you shall receive.
Happy Autumn!
The Ambassador
1 comment:
thank-you, I have got lay-ed off and was stuck on material time thanks for freeing me to live in Spirital time.
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