Friday, March 19, 2010

It Begins With You

Relationships are one of the most important aspects of our lives. Our relationships help us define who we are and who we strive to become. They mirror our strongest feelings about ourselves and show us where we need to grow. Therefore, the first, and most important, relationship we need to develop is with ourselves. All other relationships - family, friends, coworkers, romantic partners - stem from this self love.

True love for oneself comes with the acceptance that all we have experienced and currently are experiencing is a necessary part of our own personal evolution. It also comes from a constant commitment to healing and repairing those parts of our lives where there is still pain, anger, or lack of resolution - which are all based in fear. The purpose of fear is to remind us where we need to place focus in our lives. Feelings such as self-doubt and impatience are clear indicators that we are having a difficult time balancing our priorities with our intentions, and the first person we will blame for that is ourselves. And that is painful.
We blame ourselves for "not doing it right", for missing out on a great opportunity, or for repeating the same mistakes. Although these feelings appear to be legitimate they are based in our fears and we may feel powerless to change them.

Fortunately, a key to assist us through these feelings is surrender. Not surrender in the form of quitting, but surrender as a means of releasing our need to: 1) control everything that is happening to us; and 2) releasing our need to know what is going to happen next. In other words, staying present. Being truly present is, in itself, an enormous task especially when we are busy. But being present opens us to the feelings of love and acceptance.

Another support is that we have two helping hands - trust and faith. And the most powerful forms of those two amazing allies - trust and faith in ourselves. Trust in yourself says, "There's nothing I have to have, nothing I have to do, and nothing I have to be, except exactly what I'm being right now." (compliments of Neale Donald Walsch in Conversations with God). We can only expect ourselves to show up each day, take things as they come, and do the best with the knowledge and information that we've been given. Loving yourself releases you from doing or being anything other what who and what you are right now. The rest of life is just "what it is". Faith says, "I was made for a purpose and that purpose is being fulfilled in every moment of my being." This state of being provides the basis for patience - the ability to know that we are in alignment with all that we are requesting in every moment whether it shows up right away or not. There is a divine timing to all things and our trust and faith allows us to accept that reality with gratitude.

Remembering we are divine beings and believing we are perfectly aligned with our purpose in each and every moment - even when the moment may be challenging - gives us the opportunity to be in alignment - to breathe, relax, and center ourselves. When we are in alignment, the miracles we’ve personally requested will come to us. Then we will feel our own personal power. Then God and the Universe can work with and through us. Then, and only then, can we experience true self love.

The Ambassador

1 comment:

Nonna said...

Michael - have you read Spirited by Rebecca Rosen? This post is almost verbatim much of what she discusses in her book. If you haven't read it, you might want to consider's a great book and really helped me along my spiritual journey. Peace.